A Message From Your Captain

Dear Cosmic Creator,

As you go on this mission you will obtain all six Infinity Stones of the Galaxy by learning about your own nervous system, how trauma impacts it and how to begin soothing it so that you can stop coping and instead be at choice in how you respond to the world around you.

I am beyond grateful that you are here because the darkness on this planet is having a greater impact on the Universe than we can even imagine. As Earth spins deeper and deeper into darkness, other celestial beings are being effected as we emit our energetic and physical pollutants into the galaxy. It's up to us, individually and collectively, to mitigate this impact.

The density and darkness here can easily be lifted as we learn to heal ourselves and become more conscious of the energies we as individuals emit. How do we emit higher and lighter frequencies? We must go into our bodies, minds and souls and bring to love to anything that is not of the light.

After 8+ years of diving deep into my own journey of self actualization, healing and transformation and guiding people to heal along the way, I’ve come to recognize what it takes to create meaningful and peaceful lives. As a queer and gender expansive person of color, I also know the importance of getting at the root of past traumas that still live in our bodies and transmuting our wounds from there, no bypassing and no bullshit, but real transformative work. What I've culminated is skills, practices and philosophies that allow us to tune into our bodies, live with presence and make greater contributions within our purpose. I see how crucial it is now more than ever to share these practices with you.

Thank you for being open to new possibilities and tending to your care along the way. The shift here on Earth starts with you. Ready to join this mission?

In Love,


Leucas Loves

Wellness Educator | Healer | Artist

What You Will Learn

1. The Space Stone

The first key to healing trauma is knowing what trauma is, what kinds are worthy of clearing and how trauma still impacts us today.

2. The Mind Stone

The second most important key to healing trauma is understanding how to release it from your body.

3. The Power Stone

How to begin regulating your emotions and building resiliency in your nervous system right now.

4. The Reality Stone

The different aroused nervous system states your body might be prone to and how to begin shifting your system to a more calm and empowered state. Recorded practices included so you can start soothing your nervous system right away.

5. The Time Stone

A continuation of the aroused nervous system states and even more body based practices to help you build nervous system resiliency and regulate your emotions right now.

6. The Soul Stone

Receive a brief overview of the kinds of practices and modalities Leucas uses to guide himself and others through self healing and growth.

7. A Peek into My World

We will go over the different projects Leucas has created that can take you on a deeper mission towards healing and expanding your current skill set

Success Stories From Group Clients

"I started in a place of heartbreak with a dysregulated nervous system due to my living situation, feeling unsafe and like life was happening to me. I now live in a place of gratitude, creating the life of my dreams, flowing with the universe and realizing the abundance I am stepping into as me. I quit my comfortable full time job to pursue my entrepreneurial dream and I’m now living with an open heart, receptive to love and all the beauty of this life, whereas before I was scared and guarded." - Sarah Randolph (Founder of Revolver Resale)

"When I started I was feeling so much lack, now I feel grateful for the power within me to create my life. I’m listening to my body more and I am in a happier relationship with it. I am accountable for myself, my mission, desires and routines." - Emi Suganuma (Community Development and Artitst)

"I have often known what I have needed or what to do to step into active healing throughout my journey, but have never been able to see and feel so clearly a sense of achievement and progress as much as I did while working with Leucas. I felt encouraged, believed in, unconditionally loved, and ever so gently pushed into practice and action while being embraced in the uncomfortability that is change and trying new things. His unique strengths were fundamental to my putting my self devotion and self love into tangible action this year, and I am changed by his love and presence." - Ceth Legere (Healing Artist and Performer)

Enter Your Email to Begin Your Mission

The fate of the Galaxy is in your hands

  • Learn the Physiology of Your Nervous System
  • Gain Foundational Knowledge Around Healing Trauma
  • Deepen Your Connection to Your Spirit and Emotions

At the end of this series you will receive my regular Letters from Knowhere that are sent out at least once a month. These letters are always curated with love and consciousness to invoke healing, growth and transformation in you. I will never make a sales pitch that you have not opted in for.