This is a group space for Trans and Nonbinary folx who are ready to free themselves from the burdens of their past so they can deepen their connection with their bodies, Spirit and creativity.

As I seek to develop more community programs centered around our healing, this circle will serve as a jumping off point to build from and inform me on how to move forward in a way that most effectively serves others.

Intentions for this circle:

  • Connect with other like minded trans people on a conscious healing journey
  • Cocreate a supportive space where we can share what's on our hearts and receive insights, ideas and mentorship or simply be heard
  • Be in ceremony together as we get clear on what we want and desire from community so that we can continue building that
  • Bring you deeper into your body and foster resiliency in your nervous system
  • Share practices that can transform the traumas you still carry in your body

Donation Based

Pay What You Can and Come When You Can't

*Suggested $44 USD*

Wednesday January 18th


Register Now

Spirit Guide & Empowerment Practitioner


Loves Notes

"Working with Leucas as a mentor has been a life-changing experience. When we started our calls, I was feeling stuck in many ways, wanting peace and not knowing how or where to find it. I was on an academic path that didn’t feel aligned with the way I wanted to exist in the world, but wasn’t fully aware of it. I was studying literature but didn’t quite know what for anymore. During one especially life-changing conversation, Leucas helped me connect to my sense of purpose, to a very deep « why ». I realized I wanted to shift my focus from fiction to real life, from the literary to the political and teach French to asylum seekers here in Paris. Leucas also guided me in somatic practices which I still use to this day. Not only did Leucas coach me into imagining new and exciting possibilities for myself, he took the time to look at the whole picture, including the causes of what had been holding me back until now. The somatic work I did with Leucas helped me connect safely to the present moment and enabled me to take action.

With wise guidance, fiery encouragement and radical understanding, Leucas has helped me unearth my truest values and a new-found sense of faith in who I am and wish to be in this world."

— Julia Charra (Activist)

"Leucas is a really beautiful soul. I feel like my time spent in conversation with him deeply impacted me, and gave me a good compass for making decisions in my life, which I have incorporated. Leucas is a person of integrity who values freedom and truly wants others to live their best lives and to succeed in their visions. The thing that stands out most to me is this: Leucas listens, synthesizes, and reflects back to you, asking questions that bring you gently face to face with the center of your perceived limitations. In doing this, the arrow to your next steps is illuminated. I have recommended connecting with Leucas to the friends in my life, and I would recommend him to anyone seeking holistic, honest, support and wanting to live with full integrity, freedom, and joy."

— Niko Sullivan Haertling (Educator)

"Time and time again Leucas has helped me remember to use my imagination and rely on my skills. Recently during a mentorship call, I was struggling with visualizing a future choice. Leucas guided me, providing examples and encouragement, in identifying my values so that I could make a choice that truly resonated with who I am and where I want to be. Whenever we talk, I know I will walk away feeling invigorated, empowered, and restored. I'm so grateful for his services!"

- Dizzy Frink (Caregiver and Artist)

A Note from Leucas

Today, I experience life as a divine co-creation with Spirit/Creator/The Universe if you will, I’m in deep listening to my body and intuition, I feel full power in my purpose and have the clarity I need to put action behind it everyday, I have full trust for the way my journey unfolds and I am able to fully accept each present moment and make meaning of my days, my trust in Spirit within me and around me allows me to soften and generate more intimacy in new and familiar relationships in safe and secure ways. I’m beyond grateful that all of this includes me living fully in alignment with my values at all times especially in my career and service to the world, getting to incorporate Spirit, a love for the Earth and care for my body, mind and soul in everything I do.

But life didn’t always look this way. I’ve experienced many times of hopelessness and overwhelm and long periods of depression. My gender dysphoria, a lack of clarity around my purpose, a lack of connection to Spirit within and around me, misattunement with my body and my nervous system played into this greatly. After years of talk therapy I knew that it was time to embody healing and spirituality in a deeper way. I knew I needed body based (somatic) ways to tend to the traumas of my past, to release the energies of past suffering from my body and to commune with Spirit. I’m grateful to have been in the study and practice of all this since a great catalyst pushed me in this direction in 2015.

I’ve also seen the power of community, support, accountability, inspiration and co-creation throughout this process. In addition to many group mentorship, coaching and healing programs I have had the privilege of participating in, I’ve also been able to facilitate many group programs. From 2016 to 2018 I was deeply honored with the opportunity to serve the Trans community during my PhD studies by running a trans support program that was unbelievably unique and successful for its time. We always had at least 10 returning members and up to 10 newcomers at every group. The community cultivation, healing and TRANSformation I was able to witness in folx during their time in this program will leave etches of love, joy, wonder and gratitude on my heart forever.

These days, I’m beyond excited to integrate the education, training and experience I have in regulating the nervous system, healing trauma and facilitating spiritual ceremonies into group programs that supports Trans people in cultivating deeper connection with their bodies, their Spirit and other like minded folx on a similar path.

I know that these programs will allow the community to soften, create more meaning in each moment of their lives and ultimately give more to the world.

I can see and feel the shift that is currently happening across this planet and the ways in which Trans people will contribute greatly to more unity and compassion here on Earth. I envision a world where this kind of unity will give rise to co-creations beyond our current beliefs and to ingenious solutions to our global crises.

If you feel like you could benefit from a community like this built upon unconditional love, inspiration and a drive to elevate one another in each others own healing and TRANSformation then you’re going to really love what I’m creating and ultimately what we can create together.

This community circle is a jumping off point for this cocreation. I'm not sure exactly where it will lead us but I'm open to receiving guidance from you and from Spirit as we build what is needed in order for our communities to thrive.

In Love and Service,


The Community Manifesto

This is a community based upon freeing up our minds, bodies and spirits from the burdens and baggage that we each carry from our past. That baggage you carry around from your past is weighing you down and causing you to expend a lot more energy in your day to day. Even in the mundane tasks required to meet your basic needs you are spending more energy than is necessary. It's no wonder that you don't have energy left over at the end of the day for the things that really matter to you.

I offer programs that will train you in practices that will allow you to locate the burdens being stored in your system and clear it from your mind, body and spirit once and for all. We will always start with building a solid foundation so that you can be in tip top mind, body and spirit condition for diving into your past and releasing stagnant energy without getting stuck in the baggage or swept away by it. I will give you mindfulness and body based empowerment practices inspired by somatic experiencing and buddhism that will foster resiliency in your nervous system. Healing only happens to the extent at which you feel safe and with this initial training you’ll be able to teach yourself and your nervous system that you are well so that you can remain in an empowered place. With two feet firmly on the ground you are in control of your journey, its pace and how deep you go, you’ll embody true safety so that transformative healing can take place. By the end of this conditioning you will embody the grounded and balanced state of a warrior with the courage and resources to transform every single traumatic and painful experience from your past.

We will begin trauma transformation by revealing where the burdens of your past are being stored in your system. Using explorative cues I guide you to get familiar with where this stuck energy is stored in your body and to notice more intimate sensations that come along with it. This allows the stuck energy and baggage to become more tangible allowing you to see and feel it so clearly that you can reach in, grab it, manipulate it and move it out of your body completely. After knowing exactly what they feel like and where it's being held in your body, we will use energetic and quantum healing techniques to move this out of your system completely once and for all. You will use your breath, the vision of your third eye and also meet your spirit guides, ancestors and angels who will assist you in moving this energy out of your body. The techniques, rituals and ceremonies that you’ll learn in our time together can be incorporated into daily practices that will help to maintain this cleared state you have created.

After transforming all traumas comes purpose work. Once fully cleared from your past you can also use these practices to receive the vision of your purpose and how to fulfill it with crystal clarity. I will show you how to use these practices to stay intimately connected to your purpose through vision, love and action everyday. You’ll never miss a beat or have to question what your role is here on this Earth.

Freedom is no longer wishing to be anywhere other than where you are right now. Without clearing the energetic charges of our past we keep ourselves from fully accepting the present moment and experiencing this kind of freedom. Every new moment brings a new and unique expression of you and also an opportunity to become. No longer limited by your past nor contracted by your future, who could you become? What kind of opportunities, experiences and contributions could you create?

Anytime you are living anywhere but the present moment, you are no longer in your body, you are in a creation or illusion that your mind has made up. If we get used to living in this state, our disconnection from our bodies will proliferate and we become a breeding ground for stress, anxiety, tension, depression, hopelessness and general dis-ease. Our bodies are divine creations with the hardwiring of a quantum machine, intelligence beyond our comprehension, a direct reflection of Spirit, the Universe and all that is abundant, magical and expansive in this multiverse. The more we can connect to our bodies the more we can connect to this profound Truth of who and what we really are and we can use our bodies as a channel to connect to an infinite reservoir of consciousness and information. This is the most empowering place to be, where anything you want and desire becomes possible because the wisdom of your body, heart and spirit will give you the keys to make it so.

We are at a precipice in time in which humans must grow and evolve or we will beat ourselves out of our own game. The consciousness on this planet is shifting and awakening more and more everyday. Old systems and old ways based on exploitation and harm in any way shape or form will no longer be tolerated as we shed the light of Truth more vastly across this planet. It's time to generate innovations that are based upon compassion, respect and value of one another, this earth and all sentient and non sentient beings. Let's do this work now so that we can have something to lean upon as the rest begins to crumble. We can conspire with one another and put our minds, hearts and other resources together. Every revolutionary invention that has ever been made came from someone or some people making something possible that once was believed to be impossible. I want you to clear your mind, body and spirit completely from anything that may be limiting you and interfering with your channel to Spirit, inspiration, creativity and purpose. It's from this place that you and us together, communities who are deeply rooted in Truth, will make the impossible possible.

I’m honored to do this clearing with you, thank you for considering me as your guide to free you from all the burdens of your past.

Success Stories From Group Clients

"When I started I was feeling so much lack, now I feel grateful for the power within me to create my life. I’m listening to my body more and I am in a happier relationship with it. I am accountable for myself, my mission, desires and routines."

- Emi Suganuma (Community Development and Artitst)

"I started in a place of heartbreak with a dysregulated nervous system due to my living situation, feeling unsafe and like life was happening to me. I now live in a place of gratitude, creating the life of my dreams, flowing with the universe and realizing the abundance I am stepping into as me. I quit my comfortable full time job to pursue my entrepreneurial dream and I’m now living with an open heart, receptive to love and all the beauty of this life, whereas before I was scared and guarded."

- Sarah Randolph (Founder of Revolver Resale)

“Leucas is the undying embers from hearty bonfire and the sturdy nurturing ground beneath.

I have often known what I have needed or what to do to step into active healing throughout my journey, but have never been able to see and feel so clearly a sense of achievement and progress as much as I did while working with Leucas. I felt encouraged, believed in, unconditionally loved, and ever so gently pushed into practice and action while being embraced in the uncomfortability that is change and trying new things. His unique strengths were fundamental to my putting my self devotion and self love into tangible action this year, and I am changed by his love and presence.”

— Ceth Legere (Healing and Perforamce Artist)

Community Circle Details

Donation Based
Pay What You Can and Come When You Can't
*Suggested $44 USD*

Wednesday January 18th

3 Hour Event

What You Get

  • Embodiment and Spiritual Mentorship from Leucas and Support From Your Peers
  • Somatic Practices for Coming into Your Body Comfortably and Safely
  • Healing Practices to Release Baggage Stored in Your Body